Judge Wyld
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20240521 Tuesday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary - Trending News Sample: Costello Clears Trump In Bragg's Biz Records Trial, Iranian President-Butcher of Tehran-Dead, Biden Claims Man Is At White House-Man Is In Gaza

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Tuesday AM. {DA Braggs Biz Records Trial-Everyone/Everything Supports Trump, Biden Raising Less $ Than Trump, Fani Willis Claims She's Failing Because She's Black-Huh?, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Monk's Body Doesn't Match Brain, Matthew Perry Still Dead, Diddy Still In Criminal Trouble, Bill Maher-No One Cares, Museum Gets Dusty, Alligator In Florida, Elvis Clickbait, Married Man Is Not A Bachelor Anymore, Fictional Movie About Apprentice, Closing A Mountain, Man Sells Coffee, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Older Teenager Burned House-Killed 5, Skating Rink Rowdy, Screwdriver Road Rage, Moose Kills Man.}

Tuesday PM. {Democrat Chaos Gets Worse-Hunter And His Women In Upcoming Trial, Doesn't Take Many Gold Bars for 150K-6qty 10oz Bars?, Lying Corrupt Democrat Bob Democrat Menendez?, WH Is 'Fixer' For Biden-Falsifies Govt Records-Transcripts, AOC Not Debating-Duh, FBI Approved To Use Deadly Force To Pick Up Trump's Legal Papers, New York City Loves Trump!!!, Clever Headline Starts With-Trump and Biden Dead....., Media Keep Making George Santos Famous-Then Blames HIM!, and even more Click Bait!}

PM Dumbest Stories. {Timelines Of Google CEO's Lovelife, Sports Stories-No One Cares What They Say or Do, New York Pizza Sux-But They Don't Know It, , and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Lady Punched, Test Drive Went 90mph, Drunk Driver Crashes, Success-Robber Shot, Headline Says Rajeh Saadeh (Rutgers Adviser) Promotes IDF Being Shot.}

The Headlines are written by Judge Wyld and the text is scrolled at the bottom of the video screen during the shows. Listening to the show will provide a healthier perspective about News Headlines. After exposure to the news, You MUST still be a warm, loving, kind, productive person the rest of your day.
o What can you determine from the headlines and can you quickly move on with your important day?
o Can you resist clicking on click-bait headlines and photos? Resist digging into stories about so-called 'Stars' of music, sports, movies.
o Be in-the-know without being in the mud! Skim headlines and move on. 20 minutes to assess the top news headlines is plenty.

CAUTION: When listening to the Rumble shows and Locals Videos remember:
1. Dry humor and side-remark snark is not intended to hurt your feelings.
2. You can evaluate and care about the plight of others and still move on quickly without guilt.
3. Your best use of time and energy is to keep your own life lovingly and solidly positive.

o Seriously, Do you HAVE to read more when you see Headlines with the words;
Alleged, Accused, Claim, Says, Tells,
Possibly, Could Be, May, Might, Should Be,
Targets, Attacks, Slams, Rips, Roasts
Odd, Mysterious, Bombshell, Vanishing, Suspicious,...

o Do you HAVE to click if you See:
Mom, Dad, Grandma,
Nurse, Soldier, Teacher, Surgeon,
Student, State Senator, First Responder,
Wedding, Fiance, Star, HS Athlete,...
What other words get you to not read or click and move on with your day?

Headlines Opining is Presented by Judge Wyld via Live Streaming:
o Enjoy and hit Thumbs Up and Follow Buttons to Support
Intelligent Talk -RUMBLE Channel.
SillyandFun -RUMBLE Channel.
o Support RUMBLE content creators. :)

Rumble: Intelligent Talk, https://rumble.com/JudgeWyld
Website: https://judgewyld.com

Locals: https://www.locals.com/feed/27337/judge-wyld
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JudgeWyld
Rumble: SillyandFun, https://rumble.com/sillyandfun
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/judgewyld
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@JudgeWyld
Substack: https://judgewyld.substack.com/
Hit 👍 and Follow. Thank you greatly.

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February 14, 2024
Valentines Day Message from and to All of the Gloomy and Old People out There!!!

Valentines Day Message from and to All of the Gloomy and Old People out There!!!
#valentines #blah #ValentinesDay #hearts #agreetoagree

January 25, 2023
Judge Wyld Tribute to Steve McIntosh KNSS AM1330 Wichita Kansas Radio Morning Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. Fun in a way that his humor about himself was natural and refreshing. FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE on Substack, Rumble (Intelligent Talk Radio)

Judge Wyld Tribute to Steve McIntosh KNSS AM1330 Wichita Kansas Radio Morning Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. Fun in a way that his humor about himself was natural and refreshing. FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE on Substack, Rumble (Intelligent Talk Radio), Twitter (free speech version), Blogspot, Locals, GETTR, and Parler. Please Follow to support future Live Streams. Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. @steveandted

20240616 Sunday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary - Trending News Sample: Hostage Rescued Last Week, JD Vance Isn't Leading VP, Lady Pissed-Selling Democrat Collectibles, Trump Hung Out w Black People-Biden/Obama Didn't

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Sunday AM. {Followup Video-Hostage Rescued Last Week, Thank God The Father That JD Vance Isn't Leading VP-I'll Explain, Lady Pissed Off-Selling Democrat Collectibles, Trump Hung Out with Black People-They Say Biden/Obama Didn't, Illegal Aliens Faking And Making Injuries To Stay, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Guessing VP Pick-Clickbait, Cali Fires, Lady Claims She Wasn't Pregnant-The Living Baby Disagrees, I Call It An Old 'Dusty File' Story-Bear Killed Lady A Year Ago, Snake Bit Dog-Wednesday, Hot Weather In Summer-Repeats In 2024, 2025, 2026 etc, 103 Year Old Has Secret To Living-WHAT?, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Water Park Shooting-Shooter Dead, Shooting At Blackteenth Party-2 Dead, NY Doesn't Have A ...

20240615 Saturday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary - Trending News Sample: Americans MUST DEMAND to KNOW Who Is Running The Country-Not Biden, Fauci Says..., Lying Fire Alarm Democrat Jamaal Bowman-Butt Of Jokes

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Saturday AM. {American People MUST DEMAND to KNOW Who Is Running The Country-Not Biden, Fauci Says..., Lying Fire Alarm Democrat Jamaal Bowman-Butt Of Jokes, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Tupperware Still Exists?-Made In Mexico, People Misbehaving With Monkeys, Sports People-No One Cares, 120$ For Lobster Salad, Pizza 1$, Campaigns Raise Money, Man Has Given Sperm To 165 Kids, You Get More Money w Overtime, Sharks Have Babies In Water, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Church Violates Noise Regulations, Cops & Suspects Get Hurt During Encounters, College Roommate Steals From Her.}

Saturday PM. {Illegal Alien Killing A Mom-Worse Than A Non-Mom?, Lil CNN Bullying Real News Networks, Biden Campaign Wants ...

20240614 Friday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary - Trending News Sample: Americans MUST KNOW Who Is Running The Country-Not Biden, ATF Regulation Banning Bump Stock-SCOTUS Ruled Unconstitutional, Trump-AI-Speeches

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Friday AM. {American People MUST DEMAND to KNOW Who Is Running The Country-Not Biden, ATF Regulation Banning Bump Stock-SCOTUS Ruled Unconstitutional, Trump Says AI Can Make A Good Speech Even More Beautiful, Awesome School Principal Might Be Sexually Improper, Biden Embarrasses USA At G7 Summit, ...and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Duh! We Don't Really Know How Many Hostages Are Alive, Gets Warm In Summer, How Can Car Makers Stop Sex In Cars?, Another Boeing Plane Lands Safely Again, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Man Missing On Vacation, Big Breasted Woman Is A Hitman, Train Hits Semi-Truck, Man Dies From Being Punched, Mexican Cartel Time-Share Fraud, Girl Assaulted In Broad Daylight-Not Dead Of Night.}


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