Judge Wyld
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20240616 Sunday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary - Trending News Sample: Hostage Rescued Last Week, JD Vance Isn't Leading VP, Lady Pissed-Selling Democrat Collectibles, Trump Hung Out w Black People-Biden/Obama Didn't

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Sunday AM. {Followup Video-Hostage Rescued Last Week, Thank God The Father That JD Vance Isn't Leading VP-I'll Explain, Lady Pissed Off-Selling Democrat Collectibles, Trump Hung Out with Black People-They Say Biden/Obama Didn't, Illegal Aliens Faking And Making Injuries To Stay, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Guessing VP Pick-Clickbait, Cali Fires, Lady Claims She Wasn't Pregnant-The Living Baby Disagrees, I Call It An Old 'Dusty File' Story-Bear Killed Lady A Year Ago, Snake Bit Dog-Wednesday, Hot Weather In Summer-Repeats In 2024, 2025, 2026 etc, 103 Year Old Has Secret To Living-WHAT?, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Water Park Shooting-Shooter Dead, Shooting At Blackteenth Party-2 Dead, NY Doesn't Have A Gun Problem-Has A People Problem, Illegal Aliens Carjack.}

Sunday PM. {What's A Grown Man?-After HS Graduation?, WHO IS IN CHARGE of the White House?-Please Tell Us!, Heat Domes Are A Weapon Of War-Scary-Ban Them, Mom's Let Kids Get Online-Then Claim They Protect Them, Car Falls Off Of Parking Garage-No Driver Yet, Media Exploits Victims Social Media Bikini/Cleavage Photos Often, Man Hates Rainbows On Sex Flags-Everybody Does, LGBTQ-Design A Different Flag, Trump Said Many Times-Biden Needs Cognitive Test, and even more Click Bait!}

PM Dumbest Stories. {Lots of People Hob Knob With Trump, Social Media Pop Up Parties, Terrorist Was A Nice Kid, NY'rs Don't Know How To Stay Cool, Carjacker Gets Free Baby w Car, and old drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Bad People On The Loose In USA, Antique Airplane Crashes-2 Pilots Dead.}

The Headlines are written by Judge Wyld and the text is scrolled at the bottom of the video screen during the shows. Listening to the show will provide a healthier perspective about News Headlines. After exposure to the news, You MUST still be a warm, loving, kind, productive person the rest of your day.
o What can you determine from the headlines and can you quickly move on with your important day?
o Can you resist clicking on click-bait headlines and photos? Resist digging into stories about so-called 'Stars' of music, sports, movies.
o Be in-the-know without being in the mud! Skim headlines and move on. 20 minutes to assess the top news headlines is plenty.

CAUTION: When listening to the Rumble shows and Locals Videos remember:
1. Dry humor and side-remark snark is not intended to hurt your feelings.
2. You can evaluate and care about the plight of others and still move on quickly without guilt.
3. Your best use of time and energy is to keep your own life lovingly and solidly positive.

o Seriously, Do you HAVE to read more when you see Headlines with the words;
Alleged, Accused, Claim, Says, Tells,
Possibly, Could Be, May, Might, Should Be,
Targets, Attacks, Slams, Rips, Roasts
Odd, Mysterious, Bombshell, Vanishing, Suspicious,...

o Do you HAVE to click if you See:
Mom, Dad, Grandma,
Nurse, Soldier, Teacher, Surgeon,
Student, State Senator, First Responder,
Wedding, Fiance, Star, HS Athlete,...
What other words get you to not read or click and move on with your day?

Headlines Opining is Presented by Judge Wyld via Live Streaming:
o Enjoy and hit Thumbs Up and Follow Buttons to Support
Intelligent Talk -RUMBLE Channel.
SillyandFun -RUMBLE Channel.
o Support RUMBLE content creators. :)

Rumble: Intelligent Talk, https://rumble.com/JudgeWyld
Website: https://judgewyld.com

Locals: https://www.locals.com/feed/27337/judge-wyld
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JudgeWyld
Rumble: SillyandFun, https://rumble.com/sillyandfun
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/judgewyld
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@JudgeWyld
Substack: https://judgewyld.substack.com/
Hit 👍 and Follow. Thank you greatly.

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February 14, 2024
Valentines Day Message from and to All of the Gloomy and Old People out There!!!

Valentines Day Message from and to All of the Gloomy and Old People out There!!!
#valentines #blah #ValentinesDay #hearts #agreetoagree

January 25, 2023
Judge Wyld Tribute to Steve McIntosh KNSS AM1330 Wichita Kansas Radio Morning Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. Fun in a way that his humor about himself was natural and refreshing. FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE on Substack, Rumble (Intelligent Talk Radio)

Judge Wyld Tribute to Steve McIntosh KNSS AM1330 Wichita Kansas Radio Morning Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. Fun in a way that his humor about himself was natural and refreshing. FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE on Substack, Rumble (Intelligent Talk Radio), Twitter (free speech version), Blogspot, Locals, GETTR, and Parler. Please Follow to support future Live Streams. Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. @steveandted

20240625 Tuesday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary - Trending News Sample: Many Photos-'Secret' Drone Sub, Media Guess At 2024 Election, Military Mission-Cater To 'Nons'-Not Men/Women, 3Million Flyers Day-No Boeing Crash

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Tuesday AM. {Lots of Photos Of 'Secret' Drone Submarine, Media Guessing At 2024 Election, Military Mission-Cater To 'Nons'-Not Men And Women & Make Everyone Racists, Lying Fat Democrat Jamaal Bowman, Yesterday 3Million Flyers-No Boeing Plane Crashed-Again, Arizona Fixing Election Machines-Man Steals Election Fob, Biden To Sign Or Veto Nuclear Energy Bill, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Bit Surfer Says...Sharks Smell, Harris Says..., He Shed/She Shed/Dining Shed, Truck Crash-No One Died, People Use Credit Cards In Arizona, Another DA Clashes With Cops After Dark-Ban DA's, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Man Dies In Cranberry Manufacturing Plant, Medical Examiner Says Lady Died From Suicide in 2021, Small Store ...

20240624 Monday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary - Trending News Sample: Biased CNN Censors Trump Spokesperson-Jun 27th The Biased Debate, Biden Official's Tweets Attacking Cops, Killing Babies-Extreme Action-Strict Law?

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Monday AM. {Biased CNN Censors Trump Spokesperson-Jun 27th The Biased Debate, Hochul Disagrees With Lying Democrat Jamaal Bowman, Biden Official's Tweets Attacking Cops, Killing Babies-Extreme Action-How Strict Is A Strict Law?, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Media Doesn't Know What SCOTUS Will Say, Broad Daylight vs Dead Of Night Stabbings-Both Bad, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Man Kills Wife, Lithium Battery Factory Fire, Crazy Drunk Woman Accused Of Attempting To Drown Kid, Israel Haters In Cali-Arrested, Surfer Killed By Shark-Hawaii, Half Undressed Georgia Judge-Ugly-Arrested, Boy Lost In Woods-Found In 22hours, Man Lost In Woods-Found-Just 10days-Drank Water.}

Monday PM. {Biden's Border Still ...

20240623 Sunday Quick Daily News Headline Analysis 4 Busy People Snark Commentary - Trending News Sample: Media Panics On X-Twitter Posts About Space Rocket-Experts Say No Big Deal, Trump Entertains Crowds!, Leftists Debunk Hoaxes About Trump

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Sunday AM. {Trump Speeches/Rallies Saturday, Media Panics Based On Goofy X-Twitter Posts About Space Rocket-Experts Say No Big Deal, Trump Entertains Crowds Saturday!, Even Leftists Debunk Hoaxes About Trump, Media Finds Leftists Who Now Vote Trump, Graduating 5th Grade Is BIG DEAL in HICK APPLE NYC!, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Jerry Seinfeld Still Doing Tours, Media Still Doesn't Know VP Pick, Social Media Rewards People w $$$-For Having Kids, Million $ Homes Are Common Now, Wacko Crazy Lady w Cleavage Faked Her Kidnapping, People Hid From Man Shooting Gun, Elon Musk Had Sex-Made A Baby, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Man Trapped Under Car While Fixing-Dies, Man Kills Wife After Facebook Post, Man ...

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