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This community is about improving your outlook on life and to encourage you to be aware of everything that you allow to create stress. The solution is usually for you to feel free to make your decisions for your health, social happiness, financial stability, and to do well in the workplace, in leisure, and in giving. This is a ‘How To’ with personal insight to provide a starting point for your life. This is not a soft plea community. This is a direct talk with great passion community because your habits are too engrained in you. You need to be pushed off center so you can find a greater way to be you in your life. This community uses thinking to look at the structures and organizations that you love in your life but may be creating stress because they are not perfect. What will happen if School Boards have parents deciding how to spend money on themselves? What does happen when churches replace self-reflection with secular style music? What happens to professional adult Singles in churches? Why do parents say they’ve paid for schools when they’ve been refunded much more money by the IRS per kid? How have we created a brands of pets that are locked into a life of pleasing you locked in a house/yard/car/leash/crate? Why do people feel depressed around holidays because they’ve been told that the entire country is happy and having picture perfect holiday dinners. Why are kids told that they can’t pay for college themselves when many many people still work hard and find a way to pay for college and living expenses during college from earning money by working through high school and college? Why are ‘families’ paying much less per person for products and services than Single people? Do families hate Singles? Do families dislike their Single friends? Why do non-Single people passive-aggressively chop down Singles when Singles use their time to have accomplishments and happiness; “I don’t have all the time you have.”, “Must be nice not to have expenses.”, “You don’t need such a big house, we do.” What’s the truth about how families create their own stress? What’s the truth about Singles unnecessarily putting stress on themselves? Are separate lanes on a highway for Singles versus Groups discriminatory? If they can build a raised roadway for a train, aren’t they admitting that they could have built that roadway instead for freedom loving car drivers? Do you have to be gloomy on a cloudy day just because your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and the media make gloomy comments about the weather? Why does the media call a lectern a podium, why does the media think unconscious people can be biased? Don’t they know the difference between subconscious versus unconscious? Why does the media say ammediately and alegally? Finally: Oh yes. Politics exists. Politics is talked about in this community but not to push an agenda, but to sort out the tricks and the psychological manipulation point of view.

So now you get it. The important aspects of life that you hold dear and love, can start veering in a bad direction and sweep you into that path if you don’t start thinking about your life as a twenty year old and through the decades into those last couple decades of reaping life rewards of finance and wisdom. Topics are tight. This community narrows down on a topic. You don’t get out of a topic by switching topics. You don’t focus and start a new habit if you water down a topic. There is plenty of time to address individual topics on another day. The Judge Wyld Show has covered topics like these for years. Life is a blast! Life is particularly amusing when you Think. Thinking lifts your life up onto your independent path of financial and mental happiness.

Community Guidelines

Please respect the following community guidelines to maintain an enjoyable environment:

  • Keep conversation respectful, without personal attacks
  • Don’t blow up other members’ feeds. If someone isn’t responding to you, let it be
  • No pornography
  • Keep out behavior that could be seen as trolling/spamming
  • Relax, be yourself, and enjoy

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