Judge Wyld
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December 17, 2024
20241217 Tuesday AM & PM News Headlines Analysis Shows. Includes Dumbest Stories in the News Sample: Trump Teases Trudeau, Media Exploit Small Kid Victims Of School Shooting-Pics-Names-Statements, Lady Not Missing Admits She Wasn't Missing, No New Drone

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.

Tuesday AM. {Trump Teases Trudeau, Media Exploit Small Kid Victims Of School Shooting-Pics-Names-Statements, Lady Not Missing Admits She Wasn't Missing, Docs Still Trying To Put Pig Parts In People, Everyone Has Their Favorite Serial Killer-Don't We?-Just Me? Nevermind, Trump Looks Good-So LA Paper Stops Writing About Him, No New Drone News, Does An Ambassador Do Real Work?, New Jooyzies' Fascination With Lights In Sky-Stunned If They See Christmas Lights?, Attention Seeking Crazy Crockett Lost Her Mind-Called Latinos 'Slaves'?, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {CEO Is Decaying Clickbait-Bury The Story, Media Draws Red Circles Around Lights In Photos, Local Water Pipe Broke, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Since 2013-Over 100 Female Mass Shooters-Says Internet, Crazy Eyed Russian Lady Tries To Board US Airplane.}

Tuesday PM. {Drones-More Claims-No New News, Non-Christ Decorations Are Just Pretty Lights/Decorations, Entrance Exams For Smart High Schools, Large Cone In Brazil Falls Into Water-Unknown If Related To Christmas, Big City Crazies Want Electoral Protections Of Rural Folk Ripped Up, Hochul Can't Meet Anyone 'Face'-to Face, Christmas Is A Holy Day, Is Playing Volleyball A RIGHT?, Media Attacks Christian Schools-Media Believed Iowa Prez Polls, and even more Click Bait!}

PM Dumbest Stories. {Don Jr Has A New Girlfriend, Funerals With Alcohol-Yay! Celebrate Life, Sex At A Cop Workplace.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Man Abused Kid, Car Crash Into Garbage Truck-Injury, Man Falls Off Ice Cliff-Which Puts Rescuers In Danger.}

The Headlines are written by Judge Wyld and the text is scrolled at the bottom of the video screen during the shows. Listening to the show will provide a healthier perspective about News Headlines. After exposure to the news, You MUST still be a warm, loving, kind, productive person the rest of your day.
o What can you determine from the headlines and can you quickly move on with your important day?
o Can you resist clicking on click-bait headlines and photos? Resist digging into stories about so-called 'Stars' of music, sports, movies.
o Be in-the-know without being in the mud! Skim headlines and move on. 20 minutes to assess the top news headlines is plenty.

CAUTION: When listening to the Rumble shows and Locals Videos remember:
1. Dry humor and side-remark snark is not intended to hurt your feelings.
2. You can evaluate and care about the plight of others and still move on quickly without guilt.
3. Your best use of time and energy is to keep your own life lovingly and solidly positive.

o Seriously, Do you HAVE to read more when you see Headlines with the words;
Alleged, Accused, Claim, Says, Tells,
Possibly, Could Be, May, Might, Should Be,
Targets, Attacks, Slams, Rips, Roasts
Odd, Mysterious, Bombshell, Vanishing, Suspicious,...

o Do you HAVE to click if you See:
Mom, Dad, Grandma,
Nurse, Soldier, Teacher, Surgeon,
Student, State Senator, First Responder,
Wedding, Fiance, Star, HS Athlete,...
What other words get you to not read or click and move on with your day?

Headlines Opining is Presented by Judge Wyld via Live Streaming:
o Enjoy and hit Thumbs Up and Follow Buttons to Support
Intelligent Talk -RUMBLE Channel.
SillyandFun -RUMBLE Channel.
o Support RUMBLE content creators. :)

Rumble: Intelligent Talk, https://rumble.com/IntelligentTalk
Website: https://judgewyld.com

Locals: https://judgewyld.locals.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JudgeWyld
Rumble: SillyandFun, https://rumble.com/sillyandfun
GETTR: https://gettr.com/user/judgewyld
Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@JudgeWyld
Substack: https://judgewyld.substack.com/
Hit 👍 and Follow. Thank you greatly.

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February 14, 2024
Valentines Day Message from and to All of the Gloomy and Old People out There!!!

Valentines Day Message from and to All of the Gloomy and Old People out There!!!
#valentines #blah #ValentinesDay #hearts #agreetoagree

January 25, 2023
Judge Wyld Tribute to Steve McIntosh KNSS AM1330 Wichita Kansas Radio Morning Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. Fun in a way that his humor about himself was natural and refreshing. FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE on Substack, Rumble (Intelligent Talk Radio)

Judge Wyld Tribute to Steve McIntosh KNSS AM1330 Wichita Kansas Radio Morning Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. Fun in a way that his humor about himself was natural and refreshing. FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE on Substack, Rumble (Intelligent Talk Radio), Twitter (free speech version), Blogspot, Locals, GETTR, and Parler. Please Follow to support future Live Streams. Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. @steveandted

20250313 Thursday AM & PM News Headlines Analysis Shows. Includes Dumbest Stories News Sample: Trump To Decide On CDC Director, Europe Continues Their Trade War On USA Booze, Bored Australians Freak Out Over Wombat, FEMA Pursuing Illegal Alien Smuggling

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.

Thursday AM. {Trump To Decide On CDC Director, Europe Continues Their Trade War On USA Booze, Bored Australians Freak Out Over Wombat, Man Charged With Child Sex Abuse, FEMA Pursuing Illegal Alien Related Smuggling, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Military Haircuts-Hegseth Clickbait, ESPN Drama? Why?, Man Was Shocked, Play By Play Of Man's Drama, Wendy's Is A Fast Food Joint, Pothole Pete Drama Isn't National News, Sickle Cells, Trans Clickbait-no one cares, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Bunch of Local Drama Clickbait That Isn't US NEWS, Man Had Drugs In His House.}

Thursday PM. {Democrats To Shutdown Government-Dems Fail To Get Just 8 Votes, USA Has Less Legal Aliens Now, Homan Eats Apple, Trump Gets ...

20250312 Wednesday AM & PM News Headlines Analysis Shows. Includes Dumbest Stories News Sample: RAIN FOR MILLIONS On Pacific Coast TODAY!-Possible High Winds, ActBlue-Democrat Funding Organization-Terror Ties?, Massive Coverup At USAID?

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.

Wednesday AM. {Parody Headlines, STORMS FOR MILLIONS On Pacific Coast TODAY!-Possible High Winds, ActBlue-Democrat Funding Organization-Terror Ties?, Massive Coverup At USAID?-Burn The Financial Evidence?, Common Sense-Raise Fire Insurance Rates On Cali!, Tom Homan Says..., The Boeing Starliner DID NOT LEAVE Astronauts STRANDED-Starliner Landed Safely On Earth-Explain THAT!, Estimate Costs Of Projects Better, Why Have Sports In Universities Anyway?, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Possibility Of Mid East and Atlantic Coast Weather Late This Week, Nobody Knows Wendy, Diddy, Crazy Person On A Plane, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {East Coast Cops Might Have Sold Official Drugs, Man Kills Young Man-Sex w Wife.}...

20250311 Tuesday AM & PM News Headlines Analysis Shows. Includes Dumbest Stories News Sample: Current Trump Advisor Says Economy Will Be Good, Canada Refuses Even Trade With USA, No 'Trump' Trade War, Govt Spending Bills Vote, French Fries With Tallow

Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.

Tuesday AM. {Current Trump Advisor Says Economy Will Be Good, Canada Refuses To Have Even Trade With USA, No Such Thing As 'Trump' Trade War, Govt Spending Bills Votes This Week, French Fries With Beef Tallow-Sounds Not Tasty, and even more Click Bait!}

AM Dumbest Stories. {Whoopie-no one cares, Booze Sellers 'Fear' Tariffs, Family Drama Stories, Dating Drama Stories, Trump Will Buy A Tesla Vehicle, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Kid Stopped From Threats To Do School Shooting, Missing Bikini Lady Is Still Missing, Wife Arrested For Hiring Hitman, Lady Died During Her Mexico Vacation, Man Killed Overnight In Texas, School Bus Accident-no deaths, Tornado In Florida.}

Tuesday PM. {Canada Changes Electricity 'Tariff' After ...

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