Conservative Singles of all ages pay full household and school taxes and receive no tax breaks that families don't also get. But families are provided additional tax breaks that Conservative Singles don't get. Conservative Singles pay all of their school tax. But Families receive a Federal Gov't kickback per child which effectively wipes out the school tax for families. (How can 'parents' claim they pay for schools?) Also, Conservative Singles who live next door to families, have to pay all municipal, county, state taxes on their house, cars, boats, jet skis, motorcycles, etc. Per person, families pay less in Utility fees and per unit cost of water, electricity, and natural gas than Conservative Singles pay. Singles have to water the grass in July/August just as much as the next-door family does. Single households are subsidizing the cost of infrastructure that those fees represent so that families who pay less per adult and much less per person who enjoy the benefits of that infrastructure.
Conservative Singles are told that they only deserve half the quality of life of a family. Govt considers that a family of four uses only twice the govt services, national parks, local parks as a Single. That is not the truth. Conservative Singles deserve to be treated equally with all other households and to live in a home that has the same sized kitchen, food storage, bedrooms, garage, yard, bathrooms, etc. Singles are good at buying in bulk to save money and can be disciplined in their use just like families. Singles can have several activities just as a family does. A good-sized home is usually in a less crowded and safer neighborhood. Singles have the right to have two vehicles just as a two adult household does. When one car breaks down, a Single should not be punished for having a second vehicle as an option to get to work just the same as the family next door. The government should consider that Conservative Singles deserve the same quality of life as a family does and it takes more than half of a family's income for a Single to be able to maintain the same quality of life.
Conservative Singles who are not a Dr, Lawyer, Engineer cannot keep up with the quality of life of a two-income family but the govt gives benefits to families! It is time to reduce the bloated benefits for upper middle-class families. They don't need more jet ski gas, expensive Apple phones (much cheaper Android phones work even better), gymnastics class, YMCA memberships, etc. We have a welfare system set up for people who need help. The blanket handout of a child tax credit for those who don't need it, should be stopped. Meanwhile, Disney has no shortage of visitors of families who travel, pay for hotels, pay for restaurants, and buy Disney tickets and merchandise, who get govt tax breaks.
Families are not more important than Conservative Singles who work very hard and are very responsible people. Why have a Single's tax penalty? Truth is that there is no marriage tax penalty; those adults are dividing all of their utilities taxes, cars taxes, and property taxes in half per person. That is a Single's tax penalty. If potential brides and grooms don't love each other enough to marry due to the difference in one aspect of finances, then something else is wrong with that relationship. Single Conservatives have been VERY smart in not marrying just to be married. 'These days', Conservative Singles who have not found a good compatible conservative spouse should not and will not marry until they do. Who is around the kitchen table dealing with kitchen table issues in a Conservative Single's house? One person. Why treat them as they are less of a household than a two-adult household?
At the very least, a Conservative Single should have a tax credit of at least 1.5 children and utility fees of half of that of a family household. If a family gets a 'voucher' (Singles' Money), where is the refund to the Conservative Single who put that money into the school system? Will the State or Federal government step in to provide a school tax or utility fee kickback the way families get their tax credits? Remember, the families are the ones who are reaping the rewards of public investment. The public still has to pay for the worker when they become of age to provide services in the job market. We don't get those services for free. The family gets the free education AND gets the market value of that worker when they get employment. They don't forfeit some of that later salary to those who paid for the education. In other words, the rewards of employment is an incentive to families to get an education; a so-called investment is NOT needed from the Conservative Singles to pay for Music, Sports, Drama, Exercise Equipment in schools. Did you know that private sports leagues will allow 'low-income family kids'? Did you know that a school system is too poor to pay for a School Resource Officer but has an extra 80K$ to rebuild a stadium press box that burns down? Did you know, that Conservative Singles volunteer as mentors and tutors for other people's kids? Conservative Singles who volunteer spend more time helping kids and the schools than most parents?
Last point: Conservative Singles are voters. There are more and more Singles who want to search for a meaningful marriage versus getting married to the wrong person. To have campaigns only pander and speak to families, serves to lose conservative votes to the fallout such as Singles not showing up at the polls or to vote against Republican or toward libertarians. How can Vince Cavaleri help the Party change their ways to serve ALL Conservative voters! Conservative Singles are not going to work for the Candidate to pretend they see something good in the campaign platform. Singles must be explicitly addressed in speeches, rallies, printed and digital language and in legislation.
Tell Conservative Singles why we shouldn't toss the ballot into the trash the day before the election. Why bother? Only Families Matter.
Please share this with all candidates, organizations, and social media to help get the word out. More importantly let's get fairness for Conservative Singles of all ages into the platforms and legislation.
Valentines Day Message from and to All of the Gloomy and Old People out There!!!
#valentines #blah #ValentinesDay #hearts #agreetoagree
Judge Wyld Tribute to Steve McIntosh KNSS AM1330 Wichita Kansas Radio Morning Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. Fun in a way that his humor about himself was natural and refreshing. FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE on Substack, Rumble (Intelligent Talk Radio), Twitter (free speech version), Blogspot, Locals, GETTR, and Parler. Please Follow to support future Live Streams. Talk Show Legend with Great Voice. @steveandted
Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Thursday AM. {Trump To Decide On CDC Director, Europe Continues Their Trade War On USA Booze, Bored Australians Freak Out Over Wombat, Man Charged With Child Sex Abuse, FEMA Pursuing Illegal Alien Related Smuggling, and even more Click Bait!}
AM Dumbest Stories. {Military Haircuts-Hegseth Clickbait, ESPN Drama? Why?, Man Was Shocked, Play By Play Of Man's Drama, Wendy's Is A Fast Food Joint, Pothole Pete Drama Isn't National News, Sickle Cells, Trans Clickbait-no one cares, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Bunch of Local Drama Clickbait That Isn't US NEWS, Man Had Drugs In His House.}
Thursday PM. {Democrats To Shutdown Government-Dems Fail To Get Just 8 Votes, USA Has Less Legal Aliens Now, Homan Eats Apple, Trump Gets ...
Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Wednesday AM. {Parody Headlines, STORMS FOR MILLIONS On Pacific Coast TODAY!-Possible High Winds, ActBlue-Democrat Funding Organization-Terror Ties?, Massive Coverup At USAID?-Burn The Financial Evidence?, Common Sense-Raise Fire Insurance Rates On Cali!, Tom Homan Says..., The Boeing Starliner DID NOT LEAVE Astronauts STRANDED-Starliner Landed Safely On Earth-Explain THAT!, Estimate Costs Of Projects Better, Why Have Sports In Universities Anyway?, and even more Click Bait!}
AM Dumbest Stories. {Possibility Of Mid East and Atlantic Coast Weather Late This Week, Nobody Knows Wendy, Diddy, Crazy Person On A Plane, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {East Coast Cops Might Have Sold Official Drugs, Man Kills Young Man-Sex w Wife.}...
Judge Wyld LOCALS is an Extension of the Judge Wyld Rumble Channel ‘INTELLIGENT TALK’. Intelligent Talk Hosts 2 Daily Shows that present a spirited but healthy way to read the news and move on with your day.
Here are today’s rewritten snarky headlines.
Tuesday AM. {Current Trump Advisor Says Economy Will Be Good, Canada Refuses To Have Even Trade With USA, No Such Thing As 'Trump' Trade War, Govt Spending Bills Votes This Week, French Fries With Beef Tallow-Sounds Not Tasty, and even more Click Bait!}
AM Dumbest Stories. {Whoopie-no one cares, Booze Sellers 'Fear' Tariffs, Family Drama Stories, Dating Drama Stories, Trump Will Buy A Tesla Vehicle, and old stories stretched to keep drama in the News.}
Local Tragedy/Crime. {Kid Stopped From Threats To Do School Shooting, Missing Bikini Lady Is Still Missing, Wife Arrested For Hiring Hitman, Lady Died During Her Mexico Vacation, Man Killed Overnight In Texas, School Bus Accident-no deaths, Tornado In Florida.}
Tuesday PM. {Canada Changes Electricity 'Tariff' After ...